6. Avant-gardes (Entre-deux-guerres)

6-EUR-HKB garson

6-EUR-HKB “A La Garson”, A Tribute to Henryk Berlewi : 6-EUR-HKB Berlewi

Un peintre qui somme toute renonce à peindre, pour découvrir, pour dégager les lignes de force d’un mode nouveau qui s’installe. Quelques années auparavant, il dessinait avec une sensibilité aiguë et d’une main sûre, les portraits des poètes, écrivains et philosophes de langue yiddish, une génération exceptionnellement douée, porte-flambeau d’une culture aujourd’hui presque éteinte …


6-EUR-FKD Drtikol Nude 1929

6-EUR-FKD Frantisek Drtikol, Nu exposé à Paris, XXIV salon d’art photographique 1929 : 6-EUR-FKD Drtikol

Une épreuve argentique montée et signée, avec toutes ses étiquettes d’exposition au verso, proposée par maître Adrien Blanchet, Drouot, 5 avril 2018.



6-USA-DSU Doris Ulmann’s trip to South Carolina : 6-USA-DSU-Doris-Ulmann

The Clarence H. White School of Photography was founded in NYC in 1914… Over the next decade the School attracted many students who went on to become notable photographers, including Margaret Bourke-White, Anton Bruehl, Dorothea Lange, Paul Outerbridge, Laura Gilpin, Ralph Steiner, Karl Struss, Margaret Watkins and Doris Ulmann… One of the reasons for its success was White’s approach to teaching. He emphasized personal vision and style over any particular school or movement.



6-MEX-JFZ Après la Révolution, les lumières nouvelles de Mexico, l’album de photographies de Justino Fernandez  : 6-MEX-JFZ Luzes de Mexico  

José Vasconcelos returned to Mexico at the end of Revolution, during the interim presidency of Sonoran Adolfo de la Huerta, was named rector the National Autonomous University of Mexico (1920).He began implementing his vision of the function of the university : “I have not come to govern the University but to ask the University to work for the people.” … Among the young artists from the Seccion de Dibujos were three students of UNAM : Domingo Quijano, Virginia Andrade and Justino Fernández (1904-1972) who created those modernists photographs of the first street lights of Mexico in 1924.



6-MEX-MAB Un travail de jeunesse de Manuel Alvarez Bravo rapporté par la Mission de Elie Faure, 1931 : 6-MEX-MAB Manuel Alvarez Bravo

Between 1931-1932, Elie Faure was sent to Mexico for a French-Mexican Mission on pre-cortesian art and made a world tour, and when in Mexico stayed with the artist Diego Rivera, decisive meeting for both individuals.

Elie brought back some silver prints of a young Mexican photographer, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, some of them appeared as illustrations of his essay on Mexican Art (1932), some in the American translation by Walter Pach of The Spirit of Forms (New York: Garden City Publishing, 1937).


6-ICE-FPE iceberg

6-ICE-FPE Photographier les Icebergs au Groenland – 1932-1933 French Polar Expedition to East Greenland : 6-ICE-FPE French Polar Expedition 

This expedition was at work in the Scoresby Sound region of East Greenland during J uly and August, 1932, and left a wintering party to carry out observations in connection with the International Polar Year. The expedition was transported to Greenland in the Pourquoi Pas ? accompanied by the ice-breaker, Pollux, lent by the French Navy, and commanded, respectively by Captain Chatton and Captain E. Mailloux. The expedition was led by Dr J .-B. Charcot.


6-RUS-ADG Nude

6-RUS-ADG Alexander Grinberg, the Photographer Who Was Sent to the Goulag for Bourgeoise Pornography :  6-RUS-ADG Grinberg 

Since 1929, the year of the “Great Break”, with the turn in the Soviet politics toward only realist-socialist arts, Grindberg pictorialist and especialy erotic photography was declared inappropriate for Soviet morale, as a feature of the “overindulged idleness of the rich”. Nevertheless he risked one more exhibition of semi-naked women in 1935, and was eventually sentenced to Gulag labor camps (1936–1939) “for distribution of pornography.”


6-RUS-SZF Stalin Falcon

6-RUS-SZF Soyuz Foto, Stalin Falcons and the North Pole Sovietic Raids : 6-RUS-SZF Stalin Falcons Glavsevmorput 

“Glavnoe upravlenie Severnogo morskogo puti”, also known as Glavsevmorput or ГУСМП, was a Soviet government organization in charge of the maritime Northern Sea Route, established in January 1932. “The organization employed 35,000 men scattered all over Arctic, overall management was assigned to the Arctic explorer Otto Schmidt, who had previously managed the Arctic Institute. Glavsevmorput had its own Polar Air service Aviaarktika, headed by Mark Shevelev.



6-FRA-CSI Scene de crimes

6-FRA-CSI Rue Morgue, Scènes de crimes : 6-FRA-CSI Scene de crimes

Nous avons invité le Docteur Philippe Charlier, médecin légiste spécialisé en Histoire et Anthropologie, à venir consulter nos tiroirs d’histoire du crime, contenant des épreuves pho- tographiques d’époque, conservées par des inspecteurs de police ou distribuées aux agences de presse, aux journaux du temps, ou encore provenant de l’inépuisable source de l’hôtel des ventes de la rue Drouot.Le Docteur Charlier a sélectionné une soixantaine d’épreuves qui vont faire l’objet d’une édition d’art ainsi que de cartes postales, et qui, accompagnées de ses passionnants com- mentaires, constituent la première partie de cet album ouvrant sur la préface de Mathilde, qui a coordonné ce projet, sous l’égide de Serge Plantureux.